The Graduate Academy of Social Sciences (GASS) (under Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences – VASS) held the ceremony of opening the second master’s course on 6 October 2013. The ceremony received Prof.Dr. Vo Khanh Vinh, Vice President of VASS cum Director of GASS; Prof.Dr. Nguyen Quang Thuan, Vice President of VASS; Dr. Tran Minh Tuan, Director of Organization and Personnel Department; Dr. Nguyen Khac Binh, Representative of the Ministry of Education and Training; Deputy Directors of GASS and leaders from research institutes of VASS, GASS staff and 494 new graduate students (in Hanoi).

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Quang Thuan, Vice President of VASS, giving speech at the opening ceremony of the second master’s course in 2013 |
On behalf of VASS Leadership, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Quang Thuan delivered speech to congratulate GASS on the success of the second enrollment in 2013, and also recognized the achievements of GASS during the last three years of operation. He encouraged the Director Board, the staff and students of GASS to overcome the difficulties due to uncompleted facilities to focus on the professional work and improving the training quality. The expansion of GASS should be invested in, thereby constantly setting the position and stature of GASS among postgraduate training institutions in Vietnam and the region.
Since starting operations in May 2010, GASS has gradually affirmed its position and credibility in graduate training as its main functions and tasks of providing master’s and doctorate degree training programs in social sciences. So far, GASS has boasted over 2,000 graduate students and more than 1,000 doctoral candidates. For the second enrollment in 2013 only, there were 739 graduate students matriculated, of which 494 students in Hanoi; 117 students in Danang City; and 129 students in Hochiminh City. The numbers of students committed to 19 out of 29 training programs provided by GASS are as follows: 108 students in Public Policy, 56 students in Business Administration, 38 students in Cultural Studies, 24 students in Philosophy, 24 students in Sociology, 22 students in Science and Technology Management, 22 students in Social Affairs, 17 students in Educational Management, 12 students in Economics, 10 students in Literature, 8 students in Vietnamese Studies, 6 students in Linguistics, 6 students in Vietnamese History, 4 students in Psychology, 3 students in Han-Nom Studies, one student in European Studies, and one students in Ethnology
On behalf of the new graduate students, Nguyen Duc Thanh (student of Educational Management) expressed his thanks for the attention of the leaders at all levels and the GASS leadership, as well as showed his own and other students’ high commitments to a successful completion of the course.
The ceremony ended in a solemn but joyful atmosphere.
Pham Vinh Ha
(Source: GASS)