Vietnam Academy Of Social Sciences

Vietnam’s Economy is Changing and Developing


Contacting Address: “The gioi” Publishing House

Publication year: 2007

Proceeding from the view in positive and negative aspects of the economy and leading to proposals for renovation of  economic policies as well as solutions to economic development issues, the author  gathers together some of his articles during 1987-2006 to concentrate mainly on the theme of Vietnam’s economic renovation and development, with three major subdivisions corresponding to the contents of the three part of the books.

Part I (the first issue subdivision) touches upon the international background and external economic policies of Vietnam.

The author analyzes and judges the issues of globalization and international integration, in association with Vietnam’s external policies. Besides, the author also assesses external economy situation and solutions of Vietnam as well as foreign direct investment situation in the process of industrialization and modernization of  the country.

Part II (the second issue subdivision) comprises the writings about Vietnam’s economic renovation, including an article on Vietnam’s economic renovation towards socialist-oriented market economy; Vietnam’s economic development strategy till 2010, renovation orientations of Vietnam’s economic policies; Vietnam’s economic development issues; socialist-oriented economic development; building a self-control, independent economy; fighting against inflation, and on exchange rates in Vietnam.

Part III (the third issue subdivision) comprises his writings analyzing, judging the situation and solutions to Vietnam’s economy in 1998, 2004, and 2005 - the years with outstanding issues.


                                                                                                                   Pham Vinh Ha

Author :
  • Vo Dai Luoc