Vietnam Academy Of Social Sciences

The delegation of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences attended the 6th Forum for the Future of Vietnam - Korea, in Korea


Within the framework of annual scientific cooperation, on June 10, 2024, in Seoul, Korea, the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (Academy) coordinated with the Korea International Exchange Foundation ( KF) organized the 6th Forum for the Future of Vietnam - Korea

Delegates took souvenir photos during the Forum's Opening Session on the morning of June 10
The delegation of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences led by comrade Phan Chi Hieu, Party Secretary, President of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, co-chaired the Forum. Joining the Working Group attending the Forum was Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Xuan Trung, Director of the Institute of South Asian, West Asian and African Studies; Associate Professor, PhD. Vu Tuan Hung, Deputy Director in charge, Southern Institute of Social Sciences; Dr. Pham Anh Tuan, Deputy Director in charge, Vietnam Institute of Economics; Dr. Hoang The Anh, Deputy Director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics; Dr. Do Ta Khanh, Deputy Director of the Institute for Regional Sustainable Development Research; MSc. Vu Duc Dung, Deputy Head of the Organization and Personnel Committee; Dr. Nguyen Thi Tham, Director of the Center for Korea-North Korea Studies, Institute of Northeast Asian Studies; Dr. Dao Vu Vu, Researcher, Institute of Philosophy. On the Vietnamese guests' side were Mr. Vu Ho, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Korea; Mr. Nguyen Thanh Cong, full-time member, Economic Committee of the National Assembly, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam - Korea Parliamentary Friendship Group; Ms. Le Thi Viet Lam, Deputy Director, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology; Prof.Dr. Nguyen Vu Tung, Former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in Korea, Senior Lecturer at the Diplomatic Academy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On the Korean side, there was the participation of Mr. Kim Ki Hwan, Chairman of the Korea International Exchange Foundation; Mr. Jung Byeong Won, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Korea and leaders and representatives of a number of agencies, organizations, scholars and experts of the two countries.
Initiated in 2012, the Vietnam-Korea Forum for the Future has become an important and regular dialogue channel between Vietnamese managers, policymakers, practitioners, experts and scholars. South and Korea. Following the success of many cooperation programs, seminars and discussions between the two sides in recent times, most recently the 5th Forum for the Future of Vietnam - Korea was held in June 2022 in Hanoi. , The 6th Forum was held in Seoul, Korea.

Dr. Phan Chi Hieu, President of the Academy, spoke at the opening of the Forum

In the opening speech of the Forum, on behalf of the Academy Leadership and the Working Group, President Phan Chi Hieu warmly welcomed the participation of Vietnamese and Korean delegates and emphasized the journey of more than 30 years. Years of establishing diplomatic relations, from Comprehensive Partnership in 2001 to Strategic Partnership in 2009 and Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2022, Vietnam - Korea relations continue to have many strong and breakthrough developments. destructive in many ways. It can be said that the Vietnam - Korea cooperation relationship is getting better and better with new and promising development opportunities.

Mr. Kim Ki Hwan, Chairman of KF, spoke at the opening of the Forum

Speaking at the opening of the Forum, KF Chairman Kim Ki Hwan appreciated the diplomatic relationship between Vietnam and Korea over the past 32 years. At the same time, he affirmed that the 6th Forum has great significance to further concretize important contents in the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, raising the level of bilateral relations between the two countries. The Forum is a valuable opportunity to find more practical ways of cooperation for a sustainable future between Vietnam and Korea.

Mr. Jung Byeong Won, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Korea, delivered a welcome speech at the Forum

The forum includes 03 thematic discussion sessions and 01 summary session.

- Session 1: Strengthening strategic cooperation between Vietnam and Korea for Freedom, Peace, and Prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region, with speakers: Park Jeo Jeok, professor at Yonsei University; Associate Professor, PhD. Nguyen Xuan Trung, Director of the Institute of South Asian, West Asian and African Studies; Mr. Lee Jaehyon, senior researcher, Asan Institute of Policy Studies; Dr. Hoang The Anh, Deputy Director, Institute of World Economics and Politics.
- Session 2: Promoting economic cooperation to strengthen the Vietnam-Korea Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with speakers: Associate Professor. Dr. Vu Tuan Hung, Deputy Director in charge, Institute of Social Sciences of the Southern Region; Mr. Kwak Sungil, Director of World Regional Research Center 2, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy; Dr. Pham Anh Tuan, Deputy Director in charge, Vietnam Institute of Economics; GS. Lee Hyo Young, Department of International Trade - Economics and Security, National Diplomatic Institute.
- Session 3: Expanding cooperation in future fields for common prosperity and development between Vietnam and Korea with speakers: Mr. Kim Ji Hyun, researcher at the Institute of Science and Technology Policy; Dr. Nguyen Thi Tham, Director of the Korean Research Center, Institute of Northeast Asian Studies; Mr. Oh Il Seok, researcher at the Institute of National Security Strategy; Dr. Do Ta Khanh, Deputy Director, Institute for Regional Sustainable Development.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Cong, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam - Korea Parliamentary Friendship Group, delivered a welcome speech at the Forum

Through 3 thematic sessions with 12 presentations and over 20 opinions, exchanges and discussions were of very high quality, focused, straightforward, correct, on-point with many specific solutions and recommendations to improve improve the effectiveness of coordination between the two countries, focusing on the following key points:
- The delegates all recognized and appreciated the outstanding achievements in the cooperative relationship between Vietnam and Korea over the course of more than 30 years of establishing diplomatic relations with many breakthroughs and new developments, especially since the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership, clearly demonstrated through specific results in many aspects of cooperation in politics, defense and security; cooperation in economics, trade, investment, and official development aid (ODA); science, technology, response to climate change; cultural cooperation, tourism, and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries;
- Opinions and presentations clearly identified the role and importance of strengthening strategic cooperation between Vietnam and Korea in the context of cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region, a region of great importance. important in terms of security, diplomacy, and economic development. Vietnam and South Korea share common concerns on regional issues such as peace on the Korean Peninsula, maritime security in the East Sea, support for peaceful solutions to disputes and oppose the use of force or the threat of use of force in international cooperation.

Overview of the Forum

- At the Forum, experts and scientists all commented that economic cooperation continues to be a bright spot in Vietnam - Korea relations; At the same time, propose many solutions to promote and further improve the effectiveness of economic cooperation to consolidate and develop the comprehensive strategic partnership, focusing on measures to ensure economic security and cooperation. in the field of industry and global supply chains, cooperation in training high-quality human resources, and in rare earth exploitation.

- The two sides exchanged and discussed directions for expanding cooperation in future fields for the common prosperity and development between the two countries such as: Cyber ​​security issues, responding to cyber threats. climate change, in the fields of high-tech science, digital transformation, diversifying cooperation channels for future generations.

Delegates expressed their determination to realize the goals and activities of the Forum

With the practical and meaningful results obtained, the Forum for the Future of Vietnam - Korea affirms its role as an important "dialogue channel" between policy makers, policy practitioners, and experts. experts and scholars of the two countries. The opinions exchanged, suggestions, and solutions at the Forum will be distilled into a "Policy Recommendation Report" to be submitted to the Government, Prime Minister, and relevant agencies of the two countries to contribute to promoting , bringing Vietnam - Korea relations increasingly deeper and more substantive; continue to realize the "Comprehensive Strategic Partnership" relationship between Vietnam and Korea in the new context, for the good future of the two countries, the region and the world.
Some other activities of the delegation during their business trip to attend the Forum:

Ms. Oh Youngju, Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises, former Korean Ambassador to Vietnam continued Working group

- On June 11, 2024, President Phan Chi Hieu and the Delegation of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences had a working session with the Korean Minister of Trade:

Overview of the working session

- On the afternoon of June 11, 2024, the delegation of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences visited and paid a courtesy visit to Ambassador Vu Ho and worked with the Vietnamese Embassy in Korea.

Chairman Phan Chi Hieu presented a souvenir to the Minister

The Academy's delegation took souvenir photos with the Vietnamese Ambassador to Korea

International Cooperation Department








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