On his introduction speech at the Conference, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dang Diep, Director of the Vietnam Institute of Literature affirmed, for nearly 30 years of conducting the comprehensive renovation to the country, Vietnam has gained important achievements, but there are limitations that needs to be surmounted. In literature area, the Party’s renovation policy generated new remarkable inspiration and breakthroughs. It is time, to continue the renovation, there should be summary in various aspects in order to draw experience lessons, raise fast, strong and sustainable development solutions.
The conference received more than 70 papers of writers, translators, theoreticians, literary critics, in which, there were nearly 20 speeches that are selected to be presented at the Conference. The main content of the Conference is to analyze, evaluate practice of literary composition in the renovation, as in literary life, this is the most dynamic area that makes the sharpest impression of the renovation. We hear here steaming hot breath of the life, new cognition of writers about the world, history and people, where there are gestation and revelation of new aesthetic ideologies, as well as clear expression of writers’ cultural sensitivity... In comparison to the previous, practice of literary composition in the renovation presents and develops in cultural space that contains two great characters of the time as renovation and integration. Renovation, integration themselves are the most important key words in literature after 1986. Process of international integration demands us to face following questions: Where is Vietnamese literature in the world literature map? What did we contribute to enrichment of the mankind’s spiritual heritage? In the era of globalization, although spiritual products, literature should accept and adapt to market rules and the time in order to gain market share against expansion of modern communication techniques.
The papers presented in the Conference all focus to analyze, evaluate objectively and correctly representative authors and works, composers, phenomenons of literature in the renovation; To Identify and explain thoroughly the renovations in terms of genre and new experiments in artistic creation; To learn experience lessons from practice of literary creation and adoption in the renovation; And to predict developmental ability of literature, as well as suggesting solutions of improving quality of literary composition in the new period.
After listening to the ebullient speeches, exchanges, discussions of scientists and literature lovers, the Conference specially listened to writers’ views on their writing opinions, concerns of creation and aspiration of renovation, on achievements and limitations of literature in the process of the renovation and international integration.
The Conference was a scientific forum for literary researchers and critics nationwide, and writers as creative subjects to evaluate again literary situation in the Renovation, to recommend solutions and recommendations in order to contribution to promoting Vietnamese literature to continue to strongly and accurately develop in the context of increasingly intensive and extensive market economy and international integration, more positive contribution to the renovation, industrialization and modernization of the country. The Organizer planed that, after the Conference, speeches will be continuously selected, edited, and corrected to publish in specific issue of Literary Studies and Summary record of the Conference./.
Nguyen Thu Ha