Mr. Tran Quoc Vuong - Member of the Politburo, Standing Secretariat; Vo Van Thuong - Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department; Nguyen Xuan Thang - Secretary of the Party Central Committee, President of Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy, Chairman of the Central Theoretical Council chaired the workshop. Attending the seminar at the bridge of Hanoi Party Committee were Mr. Vuong Dinh Hue, Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Party Committee, Head of the Hanoi National Assembly delegation. At the bridge points, there are leaders of the Party Committee, the authorities, the Fatherland Front and mass organizations; experts, scientists ...
Speaking at the opening of the conference, Standing Committee Secretary Tran Quoc Vuong affirmed that, in the magnanimous and moving atmosphere of the historic May days, the 45th anniversary of the Liberation of the South, reunification of the country; 66 years of historic Dien Bien Phu victory, a national scientific conference "President Ho Chi Minh with the cause of national renewal, development and defense" was organized to practically celebrate the 130th anniversary of the birth of Uncle.
Mr. Tran Quoc Vuong emphasized: “With all our respect, we express our infinite gratitude for the merits of Ho Chi Minh, the founder, leader and trainer of our Party, the great teacher of the Vietnamese revolution, the Hero of national liberation, the World Cultural Celebrity, who dedicated his life for national independence, freedom and happiness of the people, for peace, friendship between peoples and social progress worldwide. He is the symbol of the most harmonious and beautiful combination of our national culture and the quintessence of human culture; between patriotism and pure internationalism, radiant the essence of a great man. He is a shining symbol of the movement of national liberation, peace and friendship among nations of the world. His noble ideology, life and revolutionary career were the source, associated with the great development and victory of the Vietnamese revolution ”.
Mr. Tran Quoc Vuong - Member of the Politburo, Standing Committee of the Secretariat gave opening speech at the Scientific Conference.
Also at the workshop, Mr. Tran Quoc Vuong suggested that the delegates discuss and deepen three main issues: (i) Clarify President Ho Chi Minh's great contributions to the Party's revolutionary cause. we, our people, our people and humanity; (ii) To clarify and deepen the content of Ho Chi Minh's thought, especially his thoughts on the cause of national renewal, development, construction and defense; (iii) Continue to assert and highlight the noble personality and qualities; His style ethical example, in which it is necessary to clarify more clearly the stature and image of the genius leader - The founder and trainer of our Party, Hero of national liberation, Cultural celebrity of the world gender.
Affirming the great and lasting value of the priceless Heritage that he has left for our Party, our people, that is Ho Chi Minh's thought, example, morality, Ho Chi Minh style. Mr. Tran Quoc Vuong also proposed to clarify the creative movement and supplement of Ho Chi Minh's viewpoints and ideas in the Vietnam revolution process, especially in the process of renovation and development. protect the Vietnamese Fatherland; further clarify the work and achievements of national renewal, development and protection. Since then, strongly affirming the leadership of our Party on the basis of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought was the leading factor, decisive victory of the Vietnam revolution.
Mr. Tran Quoc Vuong, Standing Secretary of the Secretariat also asked local agencies and units to share good experiences in promoting the effectiveness of learning and following Ho Chi Minh's morality and style. Minh, practically contributing to building and regulating the Party increasingly clean and strong. The Standing Committee of the Secretariat also requested analytical seminar to clarify the new context, new requirements of development and national construction in the current period. Since then, deeper understanding, significance and inheritance directions to promote Ho Chi Minh heritage; Promote Learning and follow the moral example and Ho Chi Minh style; Consistently and creatively apply, supplement and develop Marxist Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought in the cause of national renewal, development, construction and defense of the present country, protection of private foundation. the Party's ideas, effective struggle against wrong and hostile views, reinforce the belief in the Party and the people about the ideals and noble goals of the Party, Uncle Ho and the people we have chosen.
View of a central bridge conference at Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy
Comrade Tran Quoc Vuong also affirmed that our country and Party are grateful for President Ho Chi Minh's heavenly merits, we use our loyalty, deep inheritance and continuous career development. of people; absolutely loyal revolutionary career firmly on the path of national independence associated with socialism. To fulfill this great responsibility and mission, each party committee, party organization, every cadre and party member must always put in his heart and keep his Party clean and strong. must be worthy to be the leader, the loyal servant of the people, uphold the Party's unanimous solidarity such as upholding the pupils of their eyes, regularly and seriously exercising criticism and self-criticism, upholding democratic and widespread democracy, at the same time promoting and preserving and disciplining the Party's discipline with the spirit of loving comrades, taking it as a universal key to solve all problems in performing revolutionary tasks, especially mobilizing forces, gathering and promoting the strength and ownership of the people, carrying out His Instruction, we are determined to build and rectify the Party and the strong and clean political system, successfully organize the Party Congress at all levels and proceeding to the 13th National Party Congress, implementing the task of overcoming difficulties and challenges to fulfill the responsibility before the Party and people, preparing the premise to enter a new era of will, faith and new strength, the whole Party, all people and all our army unite to strive for the country of Na Na m peace, unity, democratic independence and prosperity as our people, President Ho Chi Minh always wanted.
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