Vietnam Academy Of Social Sciences

Commemorating the August Revolution (August 19) and National Day (September 2) in the context of the whole nation joining hands in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. (02/09/2021)

76 years ago, in August 1945, under the leadership of the Communist Party headed by President Ho Chi Minh, the Vietnamese people successfully launched an uprising to seize power, broke the shackles of feudal colonialism and regained independence for the nation. And then, the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam came into being on September 2 1945, bringing a bright new life to the Vietnamese people.

The Awarding Ceremony of the Japan’s Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette to Professor Duong Phu Hiep (09/09/2020)

On the morning of August 21th, 2020, at Prof. Duong Phu Hiep’s house, room 101, lane 37 Kim Ma Thuong st., Ba Dinh distric, Hanoi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Vietnam - Mr. Yamada Takio awarded the noble Order of the Rising Sun of Japanese Goverment to Professor Duong Phu Hiep, former Director of the Center for Japanese Studies, Institute for Northeast Asian Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS) for the Professor's great contributions in laying the foundation for Japanese studies in Vietnam, contributing to building and developing the friendship between Vietnam - Japan.

The Vietnam Museum of Ethnology holds the “Precious Heritage” photography exhibition of the French photographer Réhahn (03/08/2017)

On 1/8/2017, The Vietnam Museum of Ethnology (VME) inaugurates the photography exhibition “Precious Heritage” from the French photographer Réhahn.
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